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San Antonio’s Own Kingdom Collapse Are Changing The Landscape of Music

A few years ago, I was listening to the Octane channel on Sirius XM radio. The host Jose Mangin was playing this new song called Unbreakable from a band called Kingdom Collapse. I remember hearing the song while driving to pick up my children from school and noticed how polished and intense the track is on the radio. The Octane station kept on playing this track as people continued to request the song to be played DAILY. After jamming to the song, I decided to check out the rest of the music from the band.

The music from the band is hella incredible! I have been watching the music videos for a while now for the songs Uprise, Always, and one of my favorite songs Suffer. While digging into the band’s history, I learned they are from the ALAMO CITY! The band is comprised of members from Houston and San Antonio but have made the Countdown City as their home.

With NO LOCAL RADIO STATION (until recently) playing their music on the air, Kingdom Collapse carved their own road through countless performances around the country, interaction with their fans online, and playing new amazing music that have given millions of listeners their new addictions. Kingdom Collapse have worked hard to create their name with their music and we are excited for hear new music from them soon!

Listen to Kingdom Collapse here:



San Antonio’s own Kingdom Collapse tore the house down at the Rock Box on 11/11/2023 in San Antonio! #kingdomcollapse #unbreakable #concert #content #music #sanantonio

♬ original sound – Alamo City Vida