You are currently viewing Father’s Day Brotox & Brews event June 15th 5-7 pm at OVME

Father’s Day Brotox & Brews event June 15th 5-7 pm at OVME

Fathers Day Event Alert!!! OVME San Antonio is a medical spa that provides luxury services tailored to your skin’s needs. They have taken San Antonio by storm with their fast treatments and see it to believe inspiration to the beauty of science. OVME San Antonio is currently located at the Alamo Quarry Market with business hours from 9am to 6pm daily except Sundays.

OVME San Antonio are making sure they know how appreciative they are for fathers all around the city. They will be hosting a Brotox and Brews event starting June 15th from 5pm to 7pm. They will have light refreshments and 20% all services for that evening. This will be a good time to come out, meet other fathers in the area, drink some light refreshments, and learn more on what OVME can do for you.


Alamo Quarry Market

310 E Basse Rd #105, San Antonio, TX 78212

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