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Experience Total Eclipse of the Arts: A Celestial Spectacle Viewed At the Tobin Center

SAN ANTONIO, TX (March 4) Prepare to witness the celestial event of a lifetime with Total Eclipse of the Arts, an FREE eclipse viewing party hosted by the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts. On April 8th at 12pm, join us atop the Tobin Parking Garage on the 6th Floor for an unforgettable experience as the cosmos align to showcase a 99.9% total eclipse right over the heart of downtown San Antonio.

Experience a rare phenomenon of a solar eclipse in the company of fellow arts enthusiasts and astronomy aficionados. As the moon casts its shadow across the sun, guests will be treated to a breathtaking spectacle that transcends the boundaries of art and science, along with a variety of food vendors, music, and games.

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees, complimentary eclipse viewing glasses will be provided to the first 100 guests. These specially designed glasses will allow viewers to observe the eclipse with clarity and precision, enhancing the experience of this remarkable celestial event.